Hi friends!! 

Nicole here, & well I’m not here for small talk, so lets just just dive right in! I live in Nashville, TN. I love Jesus. I love my family. I love music. I love people, & here I am doing something totally out of my comfort zone, but also just trying to be obedient to what the Lord is calling me to do.

So, here is my hesitant, but resounding “YES!” 

Music has always been a part of my life. From making up songs as a little girl, to singing in church, to attending Belmont University for voice, and then being a part of & leading in churches around Nashville & now currently being rooted and planted with Legacy Nashville.

So, my story is one that isn’t over, but it never really is though, right? 

To go a little deeper, I am married to a handsome man, Josh, and we have 6 beautiful babies. Our amazing earth-side girl, Lucy Rose & our 5 heavenly babies. We have experienced heartbreak & loss from the early stages of pregnancy to an 8lb., 3 oz, newborn. We have felt the weight of death, but we have also felt the peace that has surpassed all our understanding in the midst of each heartbreaking moment we have been through. The sting of death has been very real, but we know the eternity of heaven is forever. 

There was a moment when I held our sweet Kinley Eve in the hospital & the Lord so loudly & clearly spoke to me “Sing over her! She is going to launch you back into worship.” I knew in that moment I had a choice. A choice to choose to worship Him in the midst of the most horrific moment of my life. A choice to not grow bitter, but to declare His goodness over my life & our families life. To surrender everything I thought I knew & every plan I had tried to make. To be honest in my anger and frustration, but also allow Him to replace it with His promises and truth over our lives.  

It’s been a journey. A story that I wouldn’t have written, but I know that the pain we walk through isn’t for nothing. It’s come at a cost, but I have discovered a side of heaven, a side of my Creator that I don’t believe I would have experienced any other way. 

Has it been easy? No. 
Are we still in the middle of believing for a promise? Yes. 
Are we going to give up? No way. 
Will we still declare His faithfulness? Of course! 

I am not writing songs for me. I am not creating music to make people like me. I am writing & creating so that it glorifies the King of Kings and brings a magnifying glass to the God who has saved me, delivered me, & loves me. Hope into a hurting world. Light into the dark places. Beauty from ashes.

I’m not sure what is next, what tomorrow holds, but what I do know is that we serve a Father who wants relationship and connection. If it’s not good, He’s not done.

I am honored that you want to go on this journey with me, and I pray that you are blessed, but in all seriousness I pray that you forget about me & you are truly brought closer to the feet of Jesus.